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  • ICS Maritime Barometer - Report 2023-2024 (formato pdf)

    The 2023-2024 ICS Barometer is the latest full scale annual survey of risk and confidence among maritime leaders.
    International Chamber of Shipping
  • Subregional Action Plan for Green Trade Promotion

    The action plan offers a strategic approach to driving sustainable, resilient development in the Pacific's Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) countries - Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu - through green trade initiatives.
  • Leading group of seven major operators accounted for over 40% of global port handling in 2023 (formato )

    While the total number of global terminal operators (GTOs) featuring in the Drewry league tables remained unchanged at 21 in 2023, the composition has changed significantly. The league tables that are a central feature in the latest edition of Drewry's Global Container Terminal Operators Annual Review and Forecast now include Adani, AD Ports Group and Hapag-Lloyd, while the acquisition of SAAM Ports and Bolloré has removed these two companies from the rankings.
  • 11° Rapporto Annuale Italian Maritime Economy 2024 - Sintesi

    L'economia mondiale è ancora in crescita. Si prevede, infatti, un aumento del prodotto interno lordo mondiale del 3,2% stabile ogni anno per tutto il triennio 2023-2025 con un commercio globale che vede le sue stime al +0,3% nel 2023 per poi progressivamente crescere del 3% nel 2024 e del 3,3% nel 2025 (Fondo Monetario Internazionale, aprile 2024).
    SRM - Centro studi Gruppo Intesa San Paolo
  • The Container Port Performance Index 2023:a Comparable Assessment of Performance based on Vessel Time in Port

    The Container Port Performance Index (CPPI) measures the time container ships spend in port, making it an important point of reference for stakeholders in the global economy. These stakeholders include port authorities and operators, national governments, supranational organizations, development agencies, and other public and private players in trade and logistics. The index highlights where vessel time in container ports could be improved.
    World Bank Group
  • The EU's industrial policy on renewable hydrogen

    The EU is committed to becoming climate neutral by 2050, meaning that all sectors that emit greenhouse gases are called on to decarbonise. The Commission saw renewable hydrogen as one way to decarbonise hard-to-electrify industries in particular. It published an EU Hydrogen Strategy in mid-2020 and updated it with its REPowerEU plan(opens in new window) in 2022.
    European Court of Auditors
  • The state of the art of the global yachting market. Abstract (formato pdf)

    The global yachting market continues to grow, having reached 33 billion euros over the course of the most recent available year, over 25 billion of which derived from the superyacht segment alone. An expanding trend has also been recorded for the Italian boatbuilding industry, having increased by 20% on the previous year with a turnover of 4.4 billion. This is the snapshot of the global yachting market that emerges from the joint study by the Italian Marine Industry Association and Deloitte entitled "The state of the art of the global yachting market".
    Deloitte per Confindustria Nautica
  • Le minacce cyber ed elettromagnetiche alle infrastrutture spaziali

    I sistemi spaziali stanno diventando sempre più numerosi e vitali per il funzionamento della società, rivestendo un ruolo cruciale anche nelle operazioni militari. Con l'espansione della space economy e la crescente rilevanza assunta dai dati forniti dai satelliti, questi ultimi sono inevitabilmente diventati obiettivi appetibili per attacchi o sabotaggi non cinetici, che includono minacce cyber e operazioni nello spettro elettromagnetico.
    Istituto Affari Internazionali
  • Digital Economy Report 2024 - Shaping an Environmentally Sustainable and Inclusive Digital Future

    From raw material extraction and usage of digital technologies to waste generation, the report explores the nature and scale of the sector's environmental footprint, which remains largely unassessed.
  • Le Compagnie di navigazione: un 'analisi economico-finanziaria (formato pdf)

    Nel presente rapporto vengono analizzati i risultati economico-finanziari relativi al 2023 di 10 società. Ricordiamo che MSC, leader di mercato insieme al gruppo Maersk, non è inserita tra le società analizzate, in quanto non rende pubblici i propri bilanci.
  • Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation: ECE Regional Report 2024

    The report findings offer clear directions for the future, highlighting the importance of actively engaging ECE member States and partner international organizations in fast-tracking the implementation of trade facilitation measures, particularly those leveraging digital technologies to foster climate-smart, sustainable trade practices.
  • Per una riforma efficace della governance portuale - Posizione del sistema associativo di CONFETRA

    Porti e logistica sono fattori di sviluppo fondamentali per la crescita del Paese: a livello economico, la portualità, oltre ad avere una propria rilevante dimensione produttiva (con una grande capacità di indotto, di lavorazioni, di servizi commerciali e finanziari che essi naturalmente producono), rappresenta un supporto imprescindibile dell'import-export (e del turismo), dell'attivazione del PIL e dell'occupazione dell'intero Paese.
  • A compelling vision for the target railway system

    This document outlines the future paths towards the evolving target railway system. It has been compiled having taken account of inputs from sector stakeholders. Regular updates are foreseen to integrate those.
    European Union Agency for Railways
  • Road Safety Priorities for the EU in 2024

    In March, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) issued its first ever report on road safety saying that the EU and its Member States will need to "move their efforts up a gear" to reach the EU target to cut road deaths and serious injuries by half in the decade to 2030.
    European Transport Safety Council
  • I numeri dei porti italiani

    L'inserto "I numeri dei porti italiani" contiene i numeri, i trend e le ultime previsioni sui traffici marittimi e sulle varie merceologie che transitano attraverso le banchine del Paese.
    Shipping Italy
  • 2024 World LNG Report (formato pdf)

    The IGU's 15th annual World LNG Report finds that global LNG trade grew by 2.1% in 2023, surpassing 401 million tonnes (MT). This global market now connects 20 exporting with 51 importing markets, while supply is currently the primary growth-limiting factor. After two years of severe turbulence, the LNG market has a newfound but fragile equilibrium, given lack of spare supply in the near-term.
    International Gas Union
  • Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for Sustainable Mobility, Second Edition. Part of the WP.29 "How it works - How to join it "series

    The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has been at the forefront of shaping the future of transport through its Roadmap on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). This roadmap, initially adopted in 2012 and recently revised in 2021, lays out a strategic vision for harnessing cutting-edge technologies to significantly improve transportation across the globe. Since 2012, a comprehensive set of regulations, rules, and norms has been established to support the development of Intelligent Transport Systems across the different inland transport modes.
  • Osservatorio sulle tendenze della mobilità di passeggeri e merci, I trimestre 2024

    Il Report trimestrale dell'Osservatorio sulle tendenze di mobilità, predisposto dalla Struttura Tecnica di Missione (STM) del ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, valuta le analisi trimestrali sulle tendenze di mobilità per monitorare l'andamento e le necessità del settore dei trasporti e della logistica, anche al fine di pianificare e programmare i futuri investimenti nelle infrastrutture e nei servizi di trasporto.
    Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti
  • Future transport infrastructure: Comparing national investments

    The ITF statistics on investment, maintenance expenditure and capital value of transport infrastructure for 1995-2022 are based on a survey sent to current ITF member countries.
    International Transport Forum
  • International Restriction Updates SIRI 2024 n°14 (formato pdf)

    Il 12 giugno 2024 l'Office of Foreign Assets Con-trols (OFAC) del Dipartimento del Tesoro degli Stati Uniti ha pubblicato la Updated Guidance for Foreign Financial Institutions on OFAC Sanc-tions Authorities Targeting Support to Russia's Military-Industrial Base ("Compliance Adviso-ry") rivolta agli istituti finanziari stranieri.